Senior Horse Compassionate Euthanasia Program

Horse Crossing Rainbow Bridge

Please consider donating to help us with the recurring cost of compassionate euthanasia for our Senior Residents, when it is time for them to pass on to live at Rainbow Bridge for eternity.

Compassionate Euthanasia Donations

Euthanasia Assistance Application


Senior Horse Compassionate Euthanasia Program.  Ricky’s Ranch is dedicated to the care and sanctuary of senior horses, offering them a peaceful and loving environment in their twilight years. Recognizing the financial burden that end-of-life care can pose to horse owners, especially those on fixed incomes, Ricky’s Ranch is proud to introduce the Senior Horse Compassionate Euthanasia Program. This program aims to support horse owners during the difficult time of saying goodbye to their beloved companions by covering the costs associated with euthanasia and transportation to the burial grounds, ensuring a dignified farewell.

Program Overview

The Senior Horse Compassionate Euthanasia Program is designed to alleviate the financial strain on horse owners facing the heart-wrenching decision of euthanizing their senior horses when recommended by a veterinarian. This initiative underscores our commitment to animal welfare and compassionate care, extending our support beyond the sanctuary to the community we serve.

Financial Plan

To successfully implement and sustain this program, Ricky’s Ranch will need to allocate resources towards the following areas:

**Euthanasia Costs:** Estimated at $300 – $500 per horse. This includes the veterinarian’s fees for performing the euthanasia procedure in a humane and respectful manner.

**Transportation Costs:** Estimated at $500 – $600 per horse for the transportation of the body to the designated burial grounds. Costs vary based on distance and the services of the transportation provider.

**Administrative Costs:** A nominal amount will be set aside for administrative duties associated with the program, including coordination with veterinarians, transportation services, and the families of the horses. Estimated at $100 – $200 per case.

**Memorial Contributions:** An optional fund to provide a memorial keepsake for the horse owners, such as a customized plaque or tree planting in honor of the horse. Estimated cost: $50 – $100 per horse.

Funding Strategy

To fund the Senior Horse Compassionate Euthanasia Program, Ricky’s Ranch will pursue a multifaceted approach:

**Grants and Donations:** Apply for grants from animal welfare organizations and solicit donations specifically earmarked for this program through fundraising events and online campaigns.

**Partnerships:** Collaborate with local veterinary clinics and animal welfare organizations to secure discounted services or donations in kind for euthanasia and transportation services.

**Dedicated Fund:** Establish a dedicated fund within the ranch’s financial structure to ensure the program’s sustainability. Contributions from ranch profits, donations, and fundraising efforts will be directed to this fund.

Expansion Implications

The introduction of the Senior Horse Compassionate Euthanasia Program will necessitate a revision of Ricky’s Ranch’s financial plan to accommodate the new expenditures. This will include adjusting the ongoing monthly needs budget to factor in the costs associated with the program and exploring additional revenue streams to support the expanded services.


The Senior Horse Compassionate Euthanasia Program represents Ricky’s Ranch’s deep commitment to the welfare of all horses, extending a helping hand to those in the community facing difficult decisions. Through careful planning, dedicated funding, and community support, Ricky’s Ranch will continue to be a beacon of hope and compassion for senior horses and their owners.

Euthanasia Assistance Application